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MathZone's Workbook Practice program provides students with unlimited practice in individually prepared workbooks. Each workbook contains math problems that will keep the student engaged and challenged as they work through their individual learning plan to complete assigned objectives.


Objective Mastery

Students can only progress to their next objective level after mastering their current objective level.

The workbook math questions are randomly generated by our

computerized system, are never the same and are corrected by our

tutors at MathZone - not parents. 


Visit and Scan

Each time students visit MathZone to review their work and ask

questions, our computerized system will scan the workbook

answers they have entered on supplied scan cards. When a student

completes their objective mastery, our computerized system will

generate their new workbook math problems automatically. 


Progress Monitoring

Our computerized system allows us to monitor student progress, adjust objective assignments when needed, adjust the number of math problems generated in each workbook and most importantly, allows us to report each student's progress to parents or school teachers upon request. 

Program Inclusions
- A detailed student assessment to allow MathZone to formulate the student's individual learning plan

- A comprehensive, structured and adjustable set of learning objectives
- Objectives that can be changed to match school classroom topics
- Learning objectives that can be aligned to specific subjects such as Algebra 1 or Honors Geometry
- Targeted objectives such as fractions or graphing techniques necessary for higher mathematics

Enrollment in this program includes
- Visits to our center up to twice per week on designated Workbook Program days
- Up to 30 minutes per visit with our tutors to discuss problems and pick up more practice work
- Immediate graded feedback and access to reportable cumulative results
- Access to unlimited math practice including worded problems
- Easy transition to the School Math Tutoring Program if required

- Students in the Workbook Program can enroll part-term in our Standardized School Test Prep Program
- Flexible payment options


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